English Summer Academies 2012

Sólo se dictarán cursos de Inglés Nivel Básico Inicial
Los cursos se iniciarán a partir del lunes 2 de enero del 2012 y finalizarán el día viernes 3 de febrero del 2012.
Consultas al teléfono 211996 o dirigirse a Cantournet 725 La Serena (interior del Liceo Ignacio Carrera Pinto).
Horario de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 12:00 y de 15:00 a 19:30 hrs.

Laboratorio Paul Harris certifica a alumnos por participación en cursos de inglés

Congratulations dear students for a great year of study and a wonderful ceremony on Tuesday. Take a look at the Municipality website and the news about the ceremony, click the picture to read about it.

Have a nice break and see you around.

Ceremonia de entrega de certificados.

A new academic year is coming to an end and of course it is time to reward your effort, dedication and interest. The ceremony is going to be held on Tuesday, December 13th at 17:30 at Gregorio de la Fuente Hall (former train station).

See you all there.