English Summer Academies 2012

Sólo se dictarán cursos de Inglés Nivel Básico Inicial
Los cursos se iniciarán a partir del lunes 2 de enero del 2012 y finalizarán el día viernes 3 de febrero del 2012.
Consultas al teléfono 211996 o dirigirse a Cantournet 725 La Serena (interior del Liceo Ignacio Carrera Pinto).
Horario de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 12:00 y de 15:00 a 19:30 hrs.

Laboratorio Paul Harris certifica a alumnos por participación en cursos de inglés

Congratulations dear students for a great year of study and a wonderful ceremony on Tuesday. Take a look at the Municipality website and the news about the ceremony, click the picture to read about it.

Have a nice break and see you around.

Ceremonia de entrega de certificados.

A new academic year is coming to an end and of course it is time to reward your effort, dedication and interest. The ceremony is going to be held on Tuesday, December 13th at 17:30 at Gregorio de la Fuente Hall (former train station).

See you all there.

Street performers, talking about street artists.

Watch and see this video about street artist in the USA.

What's the matter?, talking about health

Take a look at the video, see what his problem is and the advices he receives.

Telling time

Watch the video and pay attention to the way to tell the time.

Describing People

Watch the video and see how they describe each other.
Enjoy and learn.

Nationalities by Real English

Take a look at the video, identify where these people are from.

Present Simple Part 1

Nice explanation for simple present tense. Pay attention to it.

Talking about jobs

She is a really busy woman, she works a lot and has a lot of responsibilities. Listen to her and discover what her day is like.

English Grammar - Comparative Adjectives

Watch the video and revise how comparative forms of adjectives are used.

Talking about money:Going shopping

A nice video about a garage sale, pay attention to the way the key vocabulary and expressions are used.

English lesson: WISH & HOPE

Take a look at this nice and clear lesson about the verbs WISH and HOPE.

Talking about houses and wishes: A great little apartment

A nice video about apartments. Watch it, see how they describe and evaluate the apartment.

Talking about objects: Lost and found

She's late for her flight, she needs a lot of things but she has to find them. Pay attention to prepositions, plurals and key vocabulary.

Train - Hey, Soul Sister

Enjoy this wonderful song, read your lyrics for it. Sing and enjoy!!

Talking about food: What are you having for breakfast?

Watch the video and see what each person is having for breakfast.

Billy Joel - Allentown (W/Lyrics)

Take a look at the lyrics, identify some sentences in present progressive tense.
Enjoy the song.

Adele - Rolling In The Deep [With Lyrics]

A nice song, a nice voice and nice lyrics. Enjoy, listen and sing along.

Introducing people

Revise ways to introduce people, come on and enjoy.
Take a look at these videos too.
video 1, video 2, video 3

Paul McCartney - Hope of Deliverance + Lyrics

Enjoy the song, pay attention to the lyrics and the pronunciation too.
If you want to take a look at the official video click here.

Visit a new site

Visit the Interchange Arcade web site, full of interesting activities for young learners and adults. Click on the image to get there.

Clases Martes 20 de Septiembre

Estimados alumnos las clases del dia Martes 20 de Septiembre están canceladas por encontrarse cerrado el local que nos alberga, todas las actividades del laboratorio se reanudarán el Miercoles 21 en horario normal.

Clase Jueves 15 de Septiembre Basico 1 (Evenings)

Se suspende la clase del día Jueves 15 de Septiembre para el grupo Basico 1, 18:00 a 19:30 hrs. Nos vemos el próximo Jueves 22 de Septiembre a las 18:00 hrs.

Se reanudan las clases

Estimados alumnos se reanudan las clases en el Laboratorio de inglés Paul Harris a partir del Lunes 29 de Agosto, cada curso en su horario correspondiente.

Clases canceladas

Debido a la situación de paros y tomas de establecimientos educacionales a nivel nacional se han cancelado las clases del laboratorio desde el día Martes 23 de Agosto, por favor mantenerse al tanto a través de nuestro blog sobre la fecha del reintegro a clases la cual será avisada a la brevedad.

Telling the time

Take a look at the video, notice the different ways to tell the time.

The family

A nice video about the family, look, listen and practice.

Winter vacations

The semester is over and it's time to take a break. Enjoy your families, your hobbies and rest, we'll meet again on August 1st.
See you then.

Clases Martes 21 de Junio

Estimados alumnos, debido a la serie de problemas generados por el frente de mal tiempo que se presenta desde este fin de semana el Gobierno Regional ha decidido suspender las clases en los establecimientos municipales de la región, (lo cual significa el cierre del colegio donde el laboratorio esta ubicado), se suspenden las clases por motivos de fuerza mayor. Se espera reanudar las actividades del laboratorio a la brevedad.

Clases Lunes 06 de Junio 2011

Estimados alumnos, debido a la serie de problemas generados por las intensas lluvias y a la suspension de clases ordenada por el Ministerio de Educación, (lo cual significa el cierre por hoy del colegio donde el laboratorio esta ubicado), se suspenden las clases por motivos de fuerza mayor.
Se espera reanudar las actividades del laboratorio en forma normal a partir de mañana.